We all have dreams. We all have at one point or another dreamed of changing the world. I remember one time when I was about seven or eight turning these huge cardboard boxes into a spaceship for my sister and me to go to space in.
The only problem - well the only problem besides the fact I wanted to go to space in a cardboard box- was that my sister
HATES (I mean End-Of-The-World-Freak-Out-I-Can't-Even-Stand-The-Sound-Of-Someone-Else-Holding-Cardboard. Hates cardboard.)
Luckily I had a cousin who didn't mind it and was as big an "adventurer" as I was. Who knew Sharpies, tape and cardboard could be so much fun! We sat in there for hours playing and drawing what we thought we would need for the trip on the walls. We even drew plants. (Before that we made the Mayflower out of a cardboard box when we were putting more cabinets in the kitchen. Surprisingly we actually have a picture of my sister and I in it)
We've envisioned great adventures for ourselves (come on admit it). We've planned something important to our hearts, and we go tell all of our friends trying to get them on board and then suddenly someone opens there mouth and dashes your dreams across the rocks.
You see you're not a threat when your just sitting on the bench trying to be "normal". But the moment you step up to the plate and become more than average, as soon as you get out of your comfort zone and begin to raise the standard of what is expected you become a threat. And he will do everything he can to punch out your lights. After all what good is a light house with out a light? The ships will run aground anyway because they can't see. The light house has no purpose with out the light.
Satan will try to tell you that you are too fat, too skinny, too young, too unpopular, too awkward, too much of an outcast, that you have too much to lose, to try. He will try to tell you that you are the only one who cares about that dream God has given you. That it's impossible. That you are not good enough for God to use. That you can't save the world, you know on the last one he's right. You can't but you serve the one who can.
If those don't work then he will try to distract you with electronics or school or anything else that will get you to hold still or back peddle. Keep chasing after Jesus and the dreams he gave you. Never let someone else chase you away from Him. They may have missed out on their dreams but don't let them make you make the same mistake. You are where you are for a reason. You are there to make a difference... Trust Him with your whole heart.