Friday, May 30, 2014

It Suits Me -

Summer is here and that means pools are finally open. Yay! So what do you wear to go swimming? With all the choices out there (and a lot of them pretty skimpy) it can be hard to find something that meets your modesty standards and your price range. In my family anything that shows off, your stomach is absolutely unacceptable. I'm always so annoyed to find all the cute red & white striped or American flag swimsuits don't meet our families standard (really why don't they make once piece swimsuits out of that fabric?)  :(.  Well anyway here are some of the swimsuits that meet our standards (note these might not meet everyone's standards but these are acceptable in our home).

~Bathing Beauties~

My sister Brianna is wearing a black & White Polka-dot one piece swimsuit. I think we got it at K-mart. While I am wearing my absolutely favorite (rivaling with an adorable black & white polka-dot one I used to have but accidentally got briers in retrieving a ball that had been bounced out of the pool) swimsuit. It's a navy blue almost dark purple with a white sash, I got it at Target a few years ago. The fun sailor hats we got at Walmart to go with the beach theme birthday party we were having.  I love wearing them with this swimsuit because it reminds me of an old fashion sailor suit and my dad was in the Navy, so it just kind of fits. 

I made this one last year because my sister wanted a new swimsuit but couldn't find one she liked so I decided to try my hand at making my own, I started one for me too but haven't finished it yet. I really love how they turned out! 

~To Cover Up Or Not To Cover Up? That Is The Question.~

If you still are more comfortable out of the pool with a  swimsuit cover on, this is super easy and in my opinion really cute. 

The black skirt is actually a swimsuit cover up that is supposed to be a dress (but I like it better as a skirt) we got at Ross last summer. 

The white shirt is a long sleeve button up I found in my grandma's closet (when I was little she would pretty much only wear this kind of shirt so she has a ton). You could probably find one at a Ross or department store. I rolled the sleeves up and knotted the front. The hat was in my mom's closet and I have no idea where she got it, probably Walmart. And I'm not wearing shoes in the photo but a simple pair of flip-flops would do nicely to get you where you're going.

James 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you


  1. Funny, but we are going to be posting on swim wear in a day or two :)

  2. Very nice. Everyone needs to make this decision with prayer and discussion in the family. I used to wear bikinis, and I am sad that I did. I have a vastly different view now after raising sons. Here is the suit our daughter made and feels comfortable in:
    Blessings to you all!

  3. It's so hard to be different, but awesome! I love these swimwear choices! I agree with Jacqueline that having a son really brings to light the issue of modesty!
