Saturday, February 7, 2015

Mrs. Darcy's Coffee Shop - Pride and Prejudice

Mrs. Darcy's Coffee Shop... The words hung above the door on an weathered wooden sign. It creaks slightly on its hinges as the cold winter wind push it back and forth. The wind nipped at her face, turning her cheeks a light pink color and tugging at her thick brown sweater. A small pile of snow rested beneath the large window. Pressing her hands like a small child against the panes she looked inside the small brick building. A fire flickered in the large fire place, in front two large chairs called to her. Shelves of books lined the brick walls. A customer stepped out of the door thanking Lizzy for the Coffee, the smell of fresh brewed coffee and sweets floated out on to the cold sidewalk. Something about this shop called her name, like an old friend. Her hand reaches for the door-knob and closes around it stepping into the small brick shop on a cold puff of wind. "Hello, what can I get you?" A smiling young Lady asked from behind the counter. The name tag on her apron read "Lizzy". She stepped up to the polished wood counter and order a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll. "Help yourself to an adventure" Lizzy said as she handed her a plate with one the big cinnamon rolls on it.  Then settled back into one of the big chairs by the fire. Slipping her feet out of her shoes and curled her stocking clad toes beneath her, and began to nibble at the cinnamon roll.

A book on the shelf caught her eye... Carefully she sat the plate on the small table beside her and went to retrieve the book. Pride and Prejudice. She sat back down as Lizzy delivered her cup of steaming hot coffee to the table beside her cinnamon roll. "Ahh one of my favorite..." she nodded to the book "Enjoy." Lizzy called over her shoulder. The book's cover looked ancient... the pages beginning to yellow with age. The coffee shop seemed to fade as she flipped to the first page...

Pride and Prejudice, one of my all time favorite books (and movies for that matter). A classic story of family... It follows the world of Elizabeth Bennet and her four sisters Jane, Mary, Kitty and Lydia as a wealthy young gentlemen named Charles Bingley rents a manor house near their village. Mrs. Bennet's greatest wish is for her daughters to marry well, and much to her delight Jane catches the eye of Mr. Bingley at a local dance. Life takes a dramatic twist as Elizabeth finds herself falling in love with Mr. Bingley's friend Mr. Darcy a man she can't seem to help arguing with... This is definitely a book worth reading!  It will keep you enthralled in this romantic story until the last page... and maybe for a long time after. So order a cup of something hot and maybe something sweet and snuggle into a comfy chair in front of Mrs. Darcy's fire place and enjoy an adventure.

Click on the picture to visit this book on Amazon

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